
Change starts from you!!!
Change the way you see's not about your profit
or my's about our benefit!!


1. Turn off the light and fan when not in use.
2. Use natural lighting instead of electric lighting whenever possible
3. If you do not plan to be in your room for more than 10 min, turn off the lights.
4. Use fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent lamps.
5. Put computer to sleep or hibernation when not in use, shut down computer only once.
6. Turn off computer monitor rather than using screensaver, when not in use.
7. Turn off the power switch, if the device (e.g. computer, printer) is not in use.
8. Enable power management settings on computer and printers.
9. Print and copy as little as possible.
10. Print double-sided
11. Try editing on screen rather than on paper.
12. Save to disk rather than paper.
13. Use emails to minimize paper work.
14. Send and store documents electronically instead on paper.
15. Designate a box of scrap papers and use it for printing drafts and unofficial documents
16. Circulate documents instead of making an individual copy for everyone.
17. Reuse envelopes (that are used for local use) by placing a new label over the old address.
18. Use curtains on windows when using Air conditioner.
19. Close your curtains during night and open during day.
20. Buy electric products with “energy star” mark.
21. If possible replace desktops with laptops on next computer upgrade.
22. Prevent the air leakage from under door openings and windows by sealing them
23. Close the door when Air conditioner is working
24. Use hot water sparingly, switch off the boiler when not in use.
25. Prevent the leakage of water in bathrooms and toilets.
26. Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning.
27. Don't let water run while shaving, washing your face or during brushing.
28. Install water meter and record the reading regularly with the aim to minimize it.
29. Turnoff the equipment whenever possible, equipments like Television, radio etc. consume energy even when on standby.
30. Dress appropriately according to season and minimize the usage of heat convector and Air conditioners.
31. Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible.
32. Unplug battery chargers when the battery is fully charged or not in use.
33. Avoid aggressive driving; it lowers vehicles highway mileage by 33% and city mileage by 5%.
34. Speeding above 95 kmph reduces car mileage.
35. Clear the extra weight of car to improve mileage.
36. Reduce the drag by putting additional items inside the car, rather than on roof racks.
37. Use the motor oil recommended by the manufacturer. Using the different motor oil reduces mileage by 1%.
38. Keep the tyres properly inflated and aligned to increase mileage by 3.3%.
39. Get regular engine tune ups to avoid the fuel wastage due to worn spark plugs, dragging brakes and low transmission fluid.
40. Replace clogged air filters to save energy by 10%.
41. Minimize the use of clutch while driving.
42. Avoid the use of several short trips wherever possible.
43. Increase the use of renewable energy resources like solar cells, solar water heater, biogas for cooking, etc.
44. Recycle wherever possible, Use recycled paper.

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